Catamaran Manufacturing: New Build Survey

Have you purchased a new catamaran within the past 5 years? We’d love to hear from you. How was your experience?
You can find some initial results HERE. We would like to try and continue to build the sample size, so please contribute or share with someone you know who has recently bought a catamaran to help.
Please answer this short questionnaire to help us all understand the differences between the different manufacturers. It shouldn’t take you more then 5 minutes. All feedback is anonymous, the only information we require is the catamaran brand and year of launch. You can also access the questionnaire HERE if you are having problems scrolling the embedded form on your phone.
We’d love to hear from people who have had a good experience as well as those who have experienced issues to balance the feedback. Feedback can be subjective, of course, but this should give us a steer on which companies perform well in this area and will help us to develop a more scientific approach in the future.
Higher volume manufacturers will of course have higher volume feedback than more bespoke manufacturers which we will take into account when making any comparisons.