List Your Catamaran For Charter
Please contact us if you would like to feature your boat in our charter section.

Katamarans.com ranks very well in the search engines for many models of catamarans, and we have tens of thousands of followers on our social networks – it’s a great way of getting the word out.
Currently, we are offering special packages to promote your boat across the Katamarans network, such as through our Instagram feed. We are an advertising network, we do not work as charter brokers. We attract visitors from all over the world including the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France , Italy, Spain, NL, South Africa, Sweden etc
Package example, please contact us to tailor make a proposal that suits your business. The example below is for an individual boat. We can also tailor packages for charter businesses offering more than one catamaran.
1. Ad for 1 Year
2. Permanent Ad + Fixed Feature*
Includes a full feature in our “For Charter” section with up to 15 photos, and a video. Includes 1 link to your site.
Plus 2 posts and 2 stories across our social networks.
Your listing remains live while your charter service remains active.
Get the Word Out!
By featuring your catamaran across our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest feeds, you will be getting the message out to over 46,000 catamaran enthusiasts.
In addition, katamarans.com attracts around 10,000 unique visitors per month
Terms and Conditions
Advertising your charter with Katamarans.com
- All photos, & yacht specifications provided to Katamarans.com for the purpose of advertising a boat for sale, enter the public domain upon the advertisement publish date, and therefore are not considered proprietary or private
- There is no refund of fees once they have been collected.
- Payment is made in advance by PayPal or wire transfer
- The listing will not be automatically extended – No cancellation is necessary
- There are no additional brokerage fees. We are purely an advertising platform, not a broker.