HH 50 owner’s review
Many thanks to SV Lickety, an HH50, for sharing their thoughts on their beautiful catamaran.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your HH50 catamaran.
We are two beginner sailors, this is our first boat. We live aboard with our two dogs, Ella and Essy. We plan to see as much of the world as we can.
Why did you choose the HH50? Was it the finish, the performance or the upwind performance for example?
We wanted a boat that is both comfortable and has good performance. We want the best of both sides.
When was she launched? How was the build process?
January 2021. The build process happened during covid with no delays. It was transparent at every step. Excellent communication.

What’s the best thing about her?
Everything about this boat is the best. It’s truly exceptional, beyond our expectations.
If there was one thing that you would change, what would that be? Or wouldn’t you change anything?
A performance boat, at this level, takes skill to sail. We love the challenge. She expects us to be good. Be ready to become a good sailor on this boat. She requires it. No lazy sailors allowed!
Does she carry weight well, or do you have to be careful to not overload her with gear?
We don’t overload her. It’s our preference. Other owners carry more than we do. She can handle a lot. We just prefer not to. We do have plenty of toys, though!

What are the “Must Have” Options buying new in your opinion? eg Sails, watermaker, generator, solar, carbon options, push button sheet controls
There is never enough solar or red wine. Load up on both!
All electric galley is a no-brainer.
What are the “Nice to Have Options”?
I LOVE our real teak deck in the cockpit. It’s more of a ‘must’ than a ‘ nice’.
Sea Deck on the top decks might be a nice addition. It’s not simple to add it later as I assumed.
Which options did you “pass” on?
We have the extra length on our longeron for an additional foresail. We held off getting the sail until we had more experience. That was a good decision. We now have a better idea of what we need up there.

How are the electrics, plumbing etc. Can you give us an idea of how you set your power system up, amount of solar, hydrogeneration, lithium batteries etc
We have 2400w of solar, three 180amp at 24v lithium batteries.
Is she easy to maintain? Servicing engines, standing rigging etc
She is easier to maintain than expected. That said, she’s a boat and we do work hard to keep her perfect.
Is she easy to sail short-handed? To shorten sail? Is the running rigging complex? Do all the lines lead back to the helms, for example? Can you give us an idea of your sail plan. Self tacking jib or overlapping for example.
We have 3 foresails. (We plan to purchase one more.) We started with a self tacking jib, an overlapping solent, and a light wind reacher.
Two people can easily sail her. It’s possible to single hand her if necessary but much easier with two.

What’s she like in heavy weather / a blow / big seas
We have sailed her in a wide range of conditions over the last year and 4 months. We have run from hurricanes, crossed from Virginia to the Bahamas, gone around Hatteras three times. We just crossed the Atlantic in her, sailing in some big weather that most of the boats around us ran from. We saw winds consistently over 40KT in 4M waves. She performed beautifully, dancing through it. (We were double reefed and had the jib out.) I don’t recommend anyone pushing their boat beyond their skill level but once you gain the skills, this boat won’t be the thing that holds you back. Only you will be.
How are the helm positions. Good in weather? How is the visibility when docking?
The helms are incredible. The prime seats on the boat. Easy to dock and drive from. Originally I didn’t understand having two helms, now I swear by them.
How does she sail in light winds?
She likes wind. On a close reach she sails at about half wind speed. Less on other angles. Hence we want another, larger, foresail.

How does she sail close hauled? How high does she point to true in a good sea state?
She points at 30 degrees in ideal conditions.
Typically, what’s your average speed on passage? What´s the top speed you have logged surfing?
Average 8. Top 20.
What’s she like under power? Speed, manouevrability?
She maneuvers well under power. We have two 38s so we motor at 6 for the most efficient fuel use.
Is she easy to dock?
She is light and can be squirrely in big wind. Oh, get a bow thruster and all is easy.

What is she like at anchor?
We love to be on anchor for the privacy. Our anchor and rode have held us in many different conditions without fail.
What’s she like when it´s raining hard?
Our cockpit gets some dripping in heavy rain. The rest of the boat is always dry.
Is she comfortable down below? Cabins/saloon/galley/heads. Can you give us an idea of the configuration you went for?
We have the owners version. The amount of storage is huge. Comfort is high. Our shower is large. Our two guest cabins have their own heads, share a comfortable sized shower that is accessible from each of their own private entry.
How is the finish of the interior? Does she creak under sail?
No creaks under sail. This all-carbon boat is built like a rock.

What is your favourite spot on the boat?
The helm. On top of the world!
Is she good for hosting guests?
She is a party boat. The stereo, lighting, layout is great for having guests. Everyone who comes on agrees with a WOW! as they enter.
What kind of modifications have you done and why?
To keep costs down we didn’t do a lot of modifications. The M&M design doesn’t really need it.
Any plans for further customisation?
We might do a removable enclosure on our cockpit.
If you were to swap her for another boat, what would that be? Or maybe you wouldn’t swap her?
Probably won’t need to swap. This boat is perfect for us. But if she ever starts to bore us I do have my eye on that HH60!

How is the after sales service from HH?
Unmatchable after service. The people who work for HH are the best.
How would you rate the Value for Money of an HH50, bearing in mind future re-sale potential, quality, price and so on.
Unmatchable. Period. My husband is a numbers guy. We don’t buy anything that isn’t a good investment. How many boats are a good investment?!