Lagoon 400
Many thanks to Carla and Simon from Sailing Ocean Fox for sharing their thoughts on the Lagoon 400 in this owner’s review. You can also follow them on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterst and Tik Tok @sailingoceanfox.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your boat “Ocean Fox”. You have just sold her right?
We owned Ocean Fox for just over three years. She was an owners version with a single head on the port side. We traveled 26,000 nautical miles around the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea.

Why did you choose the Lagoon 400? Were you looking at other boats, or was this the best on the market?
We were buying a Lagoon 440, however the purchase fell through as the owner could not sell as the boat was in charter. We had sold our house and were moving out at the end of the week. Simon went to see here in Croatia as soon as she popped up on the website. She was ours within ten days
When was she originally launched? 2012, right? Do you have any history of previous owners, where´s she been?
The boat was built in 2012, commissioned in 2013 to a German owner. he sold her to his Austrian friend a few years later, Christian. We were the third owner.
What’s the best thing about her?
Even in 63kts of wind she looked after us. We always felt safe and learnt to trust her even when the going got hard. As the Lagoon brand is so strong we actually sold her for more than we paid.
What´s the worst thing?
The mainsail was a monster. To get it down in a blow could be a mesmerising event. But you learn to live with it and perfect the techniques of putting reefs in and out even in a blow.
How has Ocean Fox aged. Gracefully? Which bit has suffered the most wear and tear?
I think she has aged very well. After the Atlantic crossing from the Caribbean to Europe she did look a little dull and a few rust stains. But a week in the yard and she was looking great again. We suffered no damage from wear and tear, these are great boats.
What would you change to the basic design if anything? 3 main things, for example. What’s the headroom like, for example. do you knock your head anywhere. Is she easy to get about on in a rolling sea?
I am 6′ tall and though I could move all around the boat without knocking my head, the headroom was great. However I would have liked the front windows to be higher in the saloon. It was hard to stand and look out in to the distance.
What are the “Must Haves” for this boat in your opinion? eg sail plan, watermaker, the solars, engine upgrade, folding props etc. Just to help people who are looking at second hand boats
It depends on the type of sailing you are doing. As a live-aboard, we did not have enough solar, only 405watts. I should have upgraded this in the beginning to 1000. We had a watermaker which you need in the Caribbean, but if you are in Europe you can always get water for free.
What would be the “Nice to Haves”?
More Solar, a huge anchor, a Code D sail. The 40hp engines for more grunt when the going gets tough, ours were the 30hp models.
How are the electrics, plumbing etc
All good. We had a problem with the main water pump, but that was just the brushes worn, simple fix. All the electric were good all the way around. The shower discharge button did fail but that was simple to replace.

How is the storage generally? Is there enough room for your all of your kit
More than enough. Loads.
Is she easy to fix up and maintain? Servicing engines, standing rigging etc
The engine rooms are large, so servicing was made easy.
What’s she like in heavy weather / a blow
Good up to around 50kts. by time time you get to Storm Force 11 you know all about it.
How is the helm position. Do you bumb your head on that bimini? How do you find the steps down from the bridge when you are helming/crewing?
As the helm is on a mid level i thought it was great. You could see all four corners of the boat for mooring and you could be seen from the saloon if you were up there on your own.
How does she sail in light winds?
CRAP. 15kts to get her going.
How does she sail close hauled? What kind of TWA is optimal? What’s the leeway like at 50 to the wind, for example
She will do 55 degrees to windward if the sea is calm and there is around 20-25kts of wind. the reality is she goes at 60 degrees. Not helpfull if you have to go to windward.
How about on a reach, heading down wind?
Fantastic, full sail up to about 25ktsA and about 8kts through the water
Typically, what’s your average speed on passage?
6.25kts, but our best 24hours was 188 nautical miles

What’s she like under power? Speed, manouevrability?
Great, no problem. But I would like the bigger engines for when there are headwinds of 30kts. You will be down to 3kts of boat speed
Is she easy to dock, what’s the visibility like?
Very good and yes, with practice she is easy to dock
What is she like at anchor? Is the anchor set up good?
We had a 30kg Jambo anchor, I would have liked a 40-50kg anchor. The windage is huge and if the holding is not good we would drag.
What was she like when it was raining hard?
Were you happy with the living accommodation? Cabins/saloon/galley/heads. How is the storage?
Plenty of storage, great size boat for two with gusts. We would have liked more galley space.
Where’s your favourite spot on the boat? Nets, aft cockpit?
The saloon
How is the finish and layout of the interior? Does she creak under sail?
She does not creek, in 30+kts you will get some slamming as the bridge deck hits the sea. The finish is reasonable for a production boat. This is not a custom yacht
Is she good for hosting guests?
What kind of modifications did you do and why?
Added a freezer, watermaker, plotter at the nav table to name a few
How was the after sales service from Lagoon or their dealers?
Never asked
Anything else you would add to help people thinking of buying a Lagoon 400, either 2nd hand or new?
They are great boats, check out any bulkhead rot at the bottom under the water tanks.
If you were buying a second hand 400, what would be the main 3 things you would check?
Bulkhead under the water tanks, engine size go for the 40hp models. leaks in the forward lockers, we did not have any but some do.
You are planning to get a barge for the next stage of your adventure, right? Can you share a bit about your plan?
We are looking at a boat at 95′ x 17′. We are planning on carrying out a complete restoration in the next 6-12 months. Next summer we want to sail the Thames then the European waterways the following year