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Parlay Revival – Lagoon 450F – Vlog

These vlogs follow Colin Macrae who is a Superyacht Engineer on his travels on a Lagoon 450F called Parlay. Colin bought his boat after it had been smashed up in Hurricane Irma and has been fixing it up ever since as well as rescuing a few dogs at the same time.

The boat looks great now and they are on their way to New Zealand via Panama. We teamed up with these guys and did a Parlay Revival Review on their Lagoon 450 in our Owner’s section. Check it out if you are thinking of buying or chartering a L450. Colin is pretty famous for highlighting some bulkhead issues he had on his boat which helped a lot of people fixing up their boats. And p*ssed of  a lot of people trying to sell their 450s. No doubt though, Colin is the real deal and I think will end up thanking him for raising these issues.

You could say he raised a bit of a “sh*t storm”, but all’s well that ends well.