Stripping the Reefing Lines on Gecko, our Nautitech 40 Open
I have had problems stripping the reefing lines on our Nautitech Open.
Here is an extract from the Nautitech Owner’s Group on Facebook, mostly for my benefit, but just in case anyone has the same problems.

- Topping lift on
- Lower main sail and take in slack on reefing lines
- Put the strap in
- Tighten the reefing line via the block and winch. Leave the line on the winch
- Raise main halyard
- Topping lift off
- At this point put the clutch on if you want to prepare for the next reef.
Remember to take the clutches off if you are shaking out reefs.
I keep stripping my reefing lines (Nautitech Open 40). Any ideas? I am coming down to the block before going around the winch at the mast. Is it the quality of the line? Issued by Nautitech at launch. Or technique?
Topping lift. Release halyard. Clip in strap. Raise halyard. Tighten reefing line. Put in jammer. Release topping lift. Help! 😉
You could try a Velcro strop pass it around the boom and through the reefing clew needs to wrap around a couple of times, takes the load directly off the reef and transfers it to the strop, ask your sailmaker to fabricate one for you, I have had reef l… See More
Weird had two and not had this! Pulling too tight?
Kata Marans
Graham maybe, I am going to start filing my teeth (jammer), getting expensive! Does that sequence sound right? How much tension do you put on the reefing line?
Graham , possibly but your strategy for reefing sounds right, are you doing a lot of down wind sailing in strong wind conditions?
Kata Marans
Steve not especially. Lots of helpful tips on here though, thanks to all
Can only think it might be your last step – tighten reef line. Could possibly be a lot of tension given the raised halyard in the previous step. Maybe try marking the reef line with a pen: lock it off then raise the halyard ✌️
Releasing and raising halyard is always the first and last step for me. I take the tension off the reefing lines to tighten them.
Kata Marans
Scott so going from 1 to 2, you release tension on the first reef, then drop the main, tension up 2 and then halyard, did I get that right? I am pretty sure the problem is with the jammers, too sharp
In the end, filing the jammer proved to be the only solution for us
Kata Marans
Rowan I will do this for sure, thks. Teeth and front of casing where the lines come in?
Leave the reefing line on the winch. This will stop chafing by the jammer
Kata Marans
David thks for that. I did end up doing that, only problem is I need to switch lines on the snatch block to get ready for number 2 reef in case the wind blows up. Maybe a triple block would solve this then I could just ignore the jammers?
I agree with David. The outhaul tends to be set and left. The other three clutches are locked open and also left like that. Just use the winch.
As regards reefing I recall Paul Hayes telling me, when he handed the boat over – when you need to reef go straight to reef 2 (the difference in wind strength between reef 1 and 2 is only 5 knots anyway). Then when it’s too windy for reef 2, take the main down altogether. That way you just leave the reef 2 pennant on the snatch block. Switching it to another reefing pennant, with cold hands and strong wind is not easy!
Kata Marans
Martin that’s pretty good advice actually, especially on a night sail. I am also thinking of putting a triple block in and just leave the clutches