Young Barnacles
Young Barnacles YouTube Channel
Young Barnacles is all about life aboard a Lock Crowther cat. This family is fixing up a vintage Catana 42S (Paikea) and making her into a modern performance cruiser. We love these classic Crowther designs so this YouTube channel is a personal favourite.
They are turning their catamaran into a modern and fast liveaboard, and this channel has some great stuff on how they repair and upgrade their boat, and they share tips on how to get the best performance out of a yacht. This includes sail trim videos, their experience sailing large multihulls (like Gunboats, HH and Atlantic cats), rigging advice, what equipment they use on their boat, and how they have configured their catamaran as a liveaboard cruiser.
The crew is Anna and Shayne with Ayden, Harry, and Olly.
Paikea is a 42ft Catana catamaran. The boat was built in the early days of Catana and an upgrade of Lock Crowther’s successful 40ft design. The original hull molds were extended another 2ft to create the new Catana42s.
Shayne and Anna have made some major modifications to the front beam, added a carbon fibre longeron and a carbon fiber spreader-less rotating rig. So she is even quicker than Lock’s original!